Friday, February 6, 2009

5 Easy Steps to Get Negative Items Removed From Your Credit Report

If you are like 80% of Americans you probably have seen at least one mistake on your credit report. It is not very often that someone goes through life without someone somewhere messing up an account that is on your credit report. Even if you have never done anything wrong that doesn't mean that no one else has. But if you are like myself, I was dumb and young when I messed up my credit but it was horrible, then you might want to fix your credit using these 5 easy steps.

1 - Get a copy of your credit report. You can not fix your credit if you do not have the details of what needs to be fixed.

2 - Know what's on your credit report - you need to go through your credit report and slowly read every detail. Make sure to notate everything that is wrong on it because you will be using it in step 3. If you have collection accounts make sure to circle them. If you have late payments you need to mark that account so that you know it needs to be fixed.

3 - Write a letter to the credit reporting agencies requesting that all the negative information be removed from your credit report.

4 - Contact your individual creditors if the credit reporting agency was unable to remove your negative items. You need to request making payments with them or settling your accounts. You can also request that they remove the account completely if you pay them in full right then and there.

5 - Re-establish your credit profile. Once you get everything removed it's time to start re-establishing yourself so that you can get further credit in the future. It doesn't do any good to delete things if you don't take the time to build up afterwards.

By Chrystal Fite

For more in depth instructions on how to fix your credit visit my web site All The Financial Information You Want To Know.

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