Monday, May 12, 2008

Become a Millionaire Before 30

I have a dream. I want to be a millionaire before I turn 30. I am 20 right now and have a net worth of under $100,000. I am not a millionaire yet, but I believe that I have the vision within me and the tools in order to become a millionaire before I am 30.

I want to have a total net worth of over $1 million by the time I am 30. You may be asking are you going to achieve that?

And my response to you would be this..."I'm not 100% sure as of yet, but I know it will involve a fair bit of sacrifice, a lot of investment, a lot of creativity, a lot of training and a some hart work. I know that I am going to make my first $1,000,000 on the internet and that I am going to write books and give speeches."You can't expect to become a millionaire overnight. Winning the lottery and getting millions overnight is overrated. It happens to very few people and the majority of people who win the lottery end up being worse off because they don't spend their money wisely.

So what are may tips for right now? What can you do right now to set yourself on the way to becoming a millionaire before you are 30 (or 50 or 40 or 25 or whatever your goal is)

Start Learning

Increasing your knowledge and being continually open to learning is the one thing that will get you over the line to become a millionaire before you are 30. Right now you are not smart enough, wise enough and you don't know enough to be able to make that sort of capital to become a millionaire so you need to learn. You need to learn from those who have done it and those that are doing it.

You need to learn about finance, about investment and different sorts of investment. You need to learn about making money and how you can make more and more money by using your talent and your skill. You need to be constantly learning about what millionaire do, how they became millionaires and what they had to pay to get there.

Be Disciplined

Know it will not be easy, you need to be dedicated and disciplined to learning and achieving. Start the discipline to day of expanding your thinking through learning. Read though the many posts on this blog, and visit back regularly to see the updated information that will be supplied here. Read books, find time to outwork what you are learning. Be disciplined in learning and outworking.

Do What you Love

I honestly believe that although money is a great motivator you ultimately need to be doing what you love. They did a study of 1500 over 20 and some chose the career path based on the income so they could do what they want later, others chose to do what they loved now and worry about the money later. Those who chose to do what they loved became millionaires, those who chose money first did not become millionaires. So choose to do what you love to do.

Set Goals and Have Dreams

You need to know where you want to be going in the short term and in the long term so that you can be constantly pushed to achieve. Set short term and long term goals that will set you on your way to becoming a millionaire by the time you are 30.

Don't be afraid to fail. Although my ultimate goal is to earn $1,000,000 in the next 12 months, I would be extremely disappointed if I did not earn at least $10,000 this year. So I have a goal of $10,000 first and then if I reach that I can go for the $1,000,000.

Hope all this helps. Please leave feedback. Set in your heart right now that you want to aim to be a millionaire before you are 30. Trust that you have the ability to achieve it and go for it. But make a decision right now that you are going to go for it and become a millionaire before you are 30. That is what I did and I am now (slowly and steadily) moving towards that goal and I KNOW that I will achieve it.

More to come on HOW to be a millionaire before you are 30. This will include practical tips in all areas of making money. The stock market, real estate, the internet, business, information marketing etc. So keep checking back to see updates.

By Ryan Mclean

Become a millionaire before 30. More info at Fastrack your way to success by getting a millionaire mentor for FREE at

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